Birmingham Cathedral Special Services, Events
& Exhibitions
on the link for-
Fashion Show

Civic Service to Commemorate the Battle of the Somme
on the 100th Anniversary of its first day
Friday 1st July 2016

Harvest Festival
during restoration as normal

Birmingham Central Deanery Cathedral Pilgrimage
starting from St Martins in the Bullring, walking though the
City Centre
stopping at Prayer Points, finishing at Birmingham St Philip's

Saturday 25th April 2015
Christmas Truce - "War Bride"

RBSA Sculpture Trail - " The Calument" , Cedar
Ebbsfleet Chrism Mass
Tuesday 15th April 2014

The Book of Debts
a touring performance by Alinaah Azadeh in
collaboration with debtors and creditors everywhere

"The Blue and the Dim and the Gold" by Jake Lever
In the Marvellous Moment

"Sustaining the Person Within"

"Breathing Space" by Jake Lever
an Exhibition of Gilded Prints

Sacred hands of Jesus
They were bound for me
Wounded hands of Jesus
Stretched upon a tree
Ever interceeding mercy is their plea
Their effectual pleading brings grace to me
Redeeming grace to me