Blakesley Hall &
Gardens, BM&AG ,Yardley, Birmingham UK
Blakesley Ale Festival

Birmingham Heritage Week

"Spring into Art"
artintheyard - Sunday 29th March

The Attic
Guide with the First Victorian Christmas Card
WW1 Magic Lantern Programme
The Team - Peter, Pat, Andrew & Michael
Spencer, and Nick Goode

Summer Garden Party
June 2014
"Divertimento" perform for the Friends of
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery
British Woodcarving Association Display
Tom, Frank and May - One family's
First World War Centenary Exhibition
12th April - 2nd November 2014
Thomas and Elizabeth Merry lived at
Blakesley Hall from 1901 - 1932 and their three children, Tom,
Frank and May all played important roles
in the First World War. Tom was an officer in the Army Service
Corps based at Rouen, Frank fought at Passchendaele with the
Artists Rifles
and May enrolled in the Voluntry Aid Detachment, working in a
number of military hospitals, caring for the wounded from the
The true effects of this conflict on one family can be seen in
this Exhibition
Tom Merry and Jenny Goode, relatives of
the Merry Family Offically Open the Exhibition
The Family and Guest tour the Exhibition
Watching the movie of the Story
Reading letter from the Front,
and Planting
The Merry Family at Blakesley Hall
Plant Fair

Victorian Christmas
Yardley Conservation Society
Visit for the Tudor Christmas
Wassalling the Apple Tree

Apple Day 2013

Falconary Day
The Harris Hawk flies between the "Volunteers"
An Owl flies over the "Volunteers"
Display of Birds
Newly Painted Hall and Gardens
and painting at the entrance of Blakesley Hall
more events
Celebration of the 400
Anniversary of the King James Bible
Click on the link
King James Bible 400th
Crime and Punishment
Soldier and Servants
The Justice of the
The Execuitioner
Dr Chris Upton's
Magical Literary Bus

Chris Upton at Blakesley Hall

Sherlock Holmes - Graham McHardy
Dr Chris Upton - Commentary
Watson - Phil Lovell

Gollum - Michael Spencer

The Mummy - Arron Ruston
and then refreshment
Falconary Day
Vulture " George" African Whited
Falcon "Slate"
Golden Eagle "Bronze"
The Garden
The Musicans
Folk Dancing with Kim
Smith in the Visitors Centre
Gardener Geof Groft
The Inside of
the House
of Birmingham
as you can see, well worth a visit
On the day I visited the Knight was giving lessons
Birmingham Museums, and beautifully restored
Opening of the New
Visitor Centre
by HRH Duke of Gloucester
HRH Duke of
Gloucester touring the Hall
The Garden
The New Visitor
HRH Duke of
Gloucester with
Lord Mayor & Lady
Mayoress of Birmingham
HRH Duke of
Gloucester Planting a Tree
The Tree today
Estelle Morris
Baroness Morris
Planting aTree
The Tree today