Mothers' Union Yardley
Branch Centenary
The Mother's Union was started by Mary Sumner in 1876
because of her concern for the stability
of family life and good parenting. The Central Council of
the Mothers' Union was founded in1896
and the first Central Constitution was agreed unifying members across
the Diocese into a National Union
with Mary Sumner as President. Members agreed objectives and a
central vision that marriage, parenting
and prayer were the key to the future of the family
Today there are 4 million members working in 81 countries Mother's
Union is passionate
about caring for families around the World. Internationally and
Nationally and at local levels
their work challenges root causes of injustice and works for better
conditions in Society
for children and families
The Yardley Branch at St Edburgha's Church started in1911 and
meet every 2nd Wednesday of each
month in the Trust School next to the Church, new member are always
A Service was held to mark the Centenary of the Branch on 17th October

St Edburga's Church

Mary Wright and Sylvia Roberts

Ercic Swindalls

President Margaret Fulford and Jane George

President Margaret Fulford
Phylis Flood
Judith Fennall
Angela Swindalls
Kate Wright
The Centenary Cake and the
Jane and Marcelle Stevenson
Rev Bill Sands and Margaret Fulford
The Mothers' Union