Sheldon Lions
Lions International
Solihull Parkinson Disease
The Parkinson Society & Birmingham Queen Elizabeth
Hospital Prostate Cancer Unit

An Old Time Music Hall Sing-a-long with
"Sing-a-Rama" & Cream Teas

Saturday 11th April 2015 - The Ivy Leaf
Club, Coventry Road, Sheldon, Birmingham
The Lions visit "The Crane" for lunch

Afternoon Tea in aid of the PDSA
at the Ivy League Club, Sheldon

the Ivy League - Royal British Leagion

Fish & Chips Lunch
at the Ivy League, Sheldon, Birmingham UK
- Sponsored by Factor Safe

and "Something Special" performed

Christmas 2013 at Sheldon Country Park
St Thomas More Primary School Choir

Christmas Party at King George 5th

Yardley Widows, Birmingham
Presentation to the Lions for their Charity

Margaret Cleghorn, Brian & Eileen Miles &
Doreen Cufflin

Fish & Chip Lunch
with entertainment from
"Something Special"
at the Ivy League, Sheldon, Birmingham UK

The Ivy League ready for the Fish & Chips

Something Special

Great Party!
Quiz Night
Ivy Lea Leaf Sport & Social Club
Proceeds in Aid of
Q.E. Prostrate Cancer Appeal - Radiotherapy Department

Sheldon Countryside Festival

Raising Money for Bowel Cancer Charity
At the Ivy League,
Sheldon, Birmingham

there was a quiz, bingo, raffle, and the buffet
Easter Fun Weekend
at Sheldon Country Park

Luncheon at George V

and a Certificate of Apprecitation to the Staff

Christmas at Sheldon Country
Choirs from
Stanville Primary School
St Thomas Moore Catholic
Primary School
and the tour locally with Father