The In Crowd Singers
The "60's" - night of Celebration
for the
50th Anniversary of St Michael & All Angels Church, South
1966 - 2016

Lord Mayor of Birmingham & the
Mayor of Solihull attended the Performances

"While Shedherds Watched"
performed at
St Edburghas Church and The United Reformed Church, Digbeth in
the Field, Yardley, Birmingham UK

Decemeber 2015
- performed June 2015

The Nativity Story
December 2014
October 2014
Mayor of Solihull, and The
Lord Mayor of Birmingham
Sunday afternoon Performance
Mary Magdalene
The Story of one of the most mysterious women in the Bible,
from a life of sin, she was condemned to death but was recued
by Jesus and became one of his strongest followers.
November 1st - 3rd November 2013. The
Friday Performance was in the presence of the
Lord Mayor of Birmingham Councillor Mike Leddy & the
Lady Mayoress Mrs Pauline Leddy
The Mayor of Solihull Councillor Joe Tildesley &
Mayoress Mrs Joan Tildesley
The Full Dress Rehearsal - Thursday 30th
October 2013
Sunday Morning
United Reformed Church, Digbeth in the Field,
Yardley, Birmingham UK
A Service of Hymns, Bible
Readings and Prayers
Churches Together
At St Cyprian's Church, Hay Mills,
Two Sisters and a Funeral
By Roger Jones
Digbeth in the Field URC Church, Moat Lane,
Yardley, Birmingham
17th & 18th November 2012
Mayor of Solihull at the Sunday

Dress Rehearsal
The story of Lazarus and two sisters, the
agony of death
and the joy of resurrection in song and drama
Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead but is then lead
to his own death and resurrection
Diamond Jubilee Performance
at the URC Church, Yardley,

this was part of the Church
Party, Red, White and Blue

A Christmas Musical by Roger
at Digbeth-in-the-field URC Church,
Yardley, Birmingham
Wednesday 7th and Sunday 11th
December 2011
Choir Trainer -
Debbie Dipple
The Performance

The Rehearsal

The Story of Simon
by Roger Jones
The Performance
at URC Church, Moat
Lane, Yardley, Birmingham
On 3rd & 4th July
2011 The In Crowd
performed to a sell
out ordiance for both Performances
Conducted by Roger
Roger Jones & The
In Crowd Singer
Anne Maddox &
Father Derek Maddox
Sarah Harley -
Violin & Annie Routley - Viola
Roger Jones
The Full Dress Rehearsal
The Full Rehearsal
The Rehearsal
The In Crowd Singers are a
Community Choir Drawn from local Churches in Yardley
and Stechford
December 2010 the next production
St Micheals and All Angels South Yardley
" while shepherds watch"

How the Choir was formed and their First Production
In November 2008 Helen Jones
and Anne Maddox met up to discuss the need for the
local churches in their community to work together to
outreach and impact the local Area.
From that conversation was born the idea of
delivering the Message of Christmas through
music, so
they approached Roger Jones, and they booked him for the
Musical "The Inn Crowd"
A team was formed
,comprising of Anne and Helen, along with Derek Clayton
and Derek Maddox.
Auditions took place in
late summer for the Soloists, with rehearsals beginnning
in earnest in September.
This newly formed choir
would then perform this Christmas Musical together three
in front of Special
Guest over the weekend of 12th-13th December 2009
Churches Together
St Michaels and All
angels - Church of England
Digbeth in the Field -
St Edburgha's - Church
of England
St Cyprian - Church of
South Yardley Methodist
Stechford Baptist
St Jospehs - Roman
Catholic Church
Corpus Christie -Roman
Catholic Church
St \michael's Brownies
Class Act
St Michaels, Handsworth
Curdworth Church,
St Michael and All Angels,
Yew Tree Lane, South Yardley
Saturday 12th December
Special Guests were -
The Lord Mayor of
Birmingham, Councillor Michael Wilkes,
and the Lady Mayoress
Mrs Vivienne Wilkes.
The Bishop of Aston,
and the Archdeacon

Roger Jones Conducts
the Choir

The Lord Mayor, Lady
Mayor & The Bishop of Aston
meets members of the

and the Musicians

The organisers meet the
Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress

Bishop of Aston

Father Derek Maddox
The Archdeacon Anne
A Cheque for
£200.00 was Presented to the
Lord Mayor for his New
Charity, The Birmingham Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund
Digbeth-in-the-Field URC,
Moat Lane, Yardley
Sunday 13th December
Special Guest -
Moderator West
Midlands URC

URC, Roger Jones, & Rev Kevin Jones
The Rehearsal
Churches Together - Stechford
& Yardley