Telephone number - 0121 784 7889
Click on the link below
for -
Sandra & Friends
Jubilee Party at Foliot Fields
Batman visits Greswolde House
and Yardley Grange Nursing Home
Grange Nursing Home 10th Party
Greswold House 30th

Carrs Lane Gardens - Summer
Residents of Foliots Fields,
"Blooming Great Tea Party", raising funds for Marie Curie
HRH Queen Elizabeth 90th Birthday
Celebrations at Old Brookside
Cheque Presentation Evening,
after charity fund raising
Cheques presented to - Anne Marie House, Diabetes UK-Birmingham,
& Parkinson's UK-Solihull
Thanks & Congratulation to
Sue - 25th Year with The Trust
Celebrating 30 Years of
Foliot Fields
House Summer Fair
July 2015
Friends of Yardley Grange Nursing Home Fund
Raising Concert
Accord Singers performing Popular
at Yardley Old Church, Birmingham
Andy Burnham, Shadow Secretary of State for
Health & Jess Phillips
visit Yardley Grange Nursing Home
Larger Almshouse Association
Charites Network Seminar 2015
Old Brookside, Yardley, Birmingham
Brian's Leaving Party
Friends of Yardley
Grange Nursing Home - Quiz Night 2014
New Friends are always welcome
Charity Fund Raising for
"John Taylor Hospice" at Foliot Field
with Jackie Galpan visiting
and the Thank You
St George's Day Lunch at Foliot
Platinum 70th Wedding Anniverary of Floss and Harry
residents of Foliot Fields
Councillor John Lines, Lord Mayor of
Birmingham &
Mrs Katkleen Lines, Lady Mayoress of Birmingham
Visit Floss and Harry
and at the Wednesday Lunch more
The Presentation
with the card from HM the Queen
The Cards
Fellow residents
the card from the fellow residents and the
Foliot Fields Cheque Presentions
Friday 17th August 2012
Air Ambulance
Annette Taylor
Marie Curie
Jim Pedersen
Carol Hitchcott
Claire Preece
Emma Hughes

Cheques Pesented by
Jane Beasley
Irene Rees
Ann Mahon
Jean Fetcher
Sue Reading
Congratulations to All
Greswolde House
25th Anniversary 1986 - 2011
Congratulations to all and
thank you
Greswolde House is Starting a
"Friends of Greswolde House"
if you would like to get
involved and help, please telephone -
Debby Hambleton 0121 783 1816
Yardley Gardens

Trustee Conrad James
received a "Citizenship Award" at the Hall Green Mela.
Presented by the
Lord Mayor of Birmingham, Councillor Anita Ward
Conrad's Photographs taken on
the Day